Compared to AZ21-0313, AZ21-0111 and AZ21-0319 the fore coxae tave only a tiny sunphur-wellow spot, not a large prominent patch as in the others. Druce, 1910; Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 6 (32): 171 Pericopis damon, sp. n. Female.— Head, antenne, collar, tegule, and thorax black, the head, collar, and tegule spotted with white ; abdo- men black above, yellowish white on the underside; legs black, Primaries dusky hyaline, the apex, outer and inne margin broadly black; two black bands cross the wing, that nearest the base from the costal to the inner margin; the band at the end of the cell from the costal to the outer margin ; the veins all black: secondaries yellowish hyaline, broadly bordered with black from the apex to the anal angle; a marginal row of rather large white spots extends from the apex to the anal angle; a black band crosses the wing at the end of the cell from the costal to about the middle of the outer margin; the veins and fringe black. Underside very similar to the upperside, but slightly more yellow in tone. Eixpanse 34 inches. Hab. Peru, Chanchamayo, 1000-1500 metres (Mus. Druce). Seitz: P. grassator sp. n. (64 c). In the habitus somewhat like P. thyridina Btlr. (62 d), in both sexes the body is black, thorax and patagia mostly dotted, abdomen above greenish, beneath brimstone-coloured, dorsal line and lateral line black. Wings longer and more extended than in thyridina, the hyaline basal part of the forewing is more broadly separated, in the hindwing the transverse vein is broader black, the posterior margin of the cell black. Colombia to Peru. types in the Berlin Museum from Puerto S. Rosa — The species, in its exterior, recalls species of Thyridia.